A Community that feels like family
At CrossFit, the sense of community is very unique. Everyone knows one another, is keen to help with technique and cheers on you, even when there is no breath left after doing a tough workout.
Everyone is warmly welcomed - no matter where you come from, what level of fitness you have or how old you are. The concept of CrossFit allows changing a workout according to the fitness and experience level of every member.
The Power of Social Support
Have you ever been cheered on yourself during a session at the gym? How often have you encouraged others that haven’t finished their workout yet? These things happen (mainly) just at CrossFit gyms. The feeling of people staying behind after they have finished their workout, although they have to recover from their exhaustion, just to provide moral and verbal support is very special and motivating. At competitions, you can still watch CrossFitters cheering on each other to squeeze out some more reps, even though they are competitors.
Members assist you with putting away your gear, give you a high five and say something like "good work" no matter how well you have performed. There will be days when you push yourself to your very limits. On other days you feel that you can not give everything (due to stress, too less food or sleep etc.) - but don´t worry. Trust yourself that you can achieve your goals - others believe in you already! The principle is easy: Push others and you will be pushed by others.
Our "Code of Conduct"
We have a few rules that we would like to be followed.
- greet/welcome everybody
- support others
- take part of our caring, supportive and motivating community
- help cleaning the floor when we have used a lot of chalk
- help put all the gear away after each session
- try your hardest and be honest about your rep counts