What is Kiwi CrossFit Lite (HIIT)?
HIIT, also know as High Intensity Interval Training, is similar to circuit training. This is the perfect place to start your fitness journey with us if you are a bit scared of trying CrossFit mainly because we keep the movements fairly simple with scale up or down options depending upon your baseline fitness levels. The sessions last 30-35 minutes. You choose how hard or easy you want to go. This class is way more interesting than a standard circuit class and there is a fair bit of science in the background guiding the exercise choices.
We offer 3 styles:
- KiwiCardio - pure cardio
- KiwiStrength - some of the movements are strength based
- KiwiCross - is a mix of cardio and strength
Most people ask "whats the difference between HIIT and CrossFit"? HIIT is completely different to CrossFit. Some exercises are similar, however the way the classes are organised and conducted is not the same. CrossFit sessions are conducted a bit like a competition and often involve gymnastic and olympic lifting movements. Some people only like HIIT, while others prefer CrossFit. At the end of the day its up to the individual to decide which style of training they prefer. HIIT uses much lighter weights and as a general rule you complete a lot more repetitions. We think both style of training are really good, and for some they love doing both. We recommend HIIT as a good place to start if your intention is to do pure CrossFit.
HIIT is based primarily around cardio and therefore calorie burning. While there are no technical movements or heavy lifts like in CrossFit, this is most definitely not a typical boot camp. We do adhere to movement standards so there is an emphasis on ensuring that you have good exercise technique. Unless you have done a HIIT class before you will most probably be doing things you have never tried before. The good news is that every single movement has an “easiest and hardest” scale option. Its our job to constantly monitor how you are going, to ensure that you get the best value out of each session. If you haven't exercised in a while your muscles might be sore for a few weeks, but it does get easier! The first couple of times you may feel a little awkward trying something new or meeting new people in an unfamiliar environment. We can assure you that most members are super friendly so you will feel right at home soon enough.
Check out our timetable to find a class that suits you and if you have moment please check out our video which shows you what a class looks like.